November 29, 2009

Living from a Perspective of True Love and Gratitude

Here is a little bit of the spiritual wisdom coming to me since the trip...This really speaks to the perspective from which we live our lives and how shifting that perspective from one of fear to one of true love and gratitude can transform our world!!  For more on Emerging Earth Angels, click the title above.

From "The Ascension Companion":


"WHEN WE BEGIN TO raise our vibration through the ascension
process, we are then finally able to really see what is actually
going on. Raising our vibration allows us to see beyond the veil of
all the illusions. It is as if some cloud cover has been cleared
away and now we can see what was really going on all the time.
We are no longer, then, viewing things from the mis-perception
and filter of our dis-connect selves.

When the illusions are finally revealed, it can cause what I call
"ascension shock." It is as if we just found out that the two
people we thought were our parents for our entire lives, were
really our grandparents or perhaps our adoptive parents. When it
becomes clear that things were not what we thought they were, it
can throw us into a tizzy. But in a very short time, we seem to be
able to adjust and move forward, only this time, we are in a very
New space of enlightenment.

Breaking the illusions, frequently occurs in regard to our
personal relationships. We may come to realize, and usually very
suddenly, that our most cherished relationships with others were
not what we thought they were. In the higher realms,
relationships are based upon a mutual love and respect;very
simply. If we are having relationships for other reasons, they will
blow up in our faces in the higher realms.

When the illusions are revealed, we may come to see that we were in one
relationship because we were lonely, or another because
someone was a good listener. Or perhaps one of us was a good
supporter, and we needed our needs met and were using another
person for this purpose. Or maybe, we even enjoyed feeling
important and needed ourselves. The list can be endless, but in
the higher realms, we are complete and whole within ourselves
and all our needs are met. Therefore, our relationships are based
upon love and respect, and a wonderful and special equal
purpose of companionship. When we come together as soul
teams, another component is added that involves a mutual
contribution to the planet, so things get even better!

Illusions can also be revealed in regard to how we thought
things worked. At 3D levels, we were only able to explain things
and offer stories according to what we could wrap our minds
around at a 3D level. As we begin to expand and move into the
higher realms, things get moved up a notch or two. We can find
through our own personal experiences, that energy and
spirituality was not what we had been told it was. Generally
speaking, it is much more simple and loving. No lessons to be
learned, karma to experience, or any other kind of harsh and
consequential "rules." It simply involves learning how energy
works and responds. And also knowing that there are higher and
lower vibratory levels of energy. The rest is just a game that we
made up in order to place meaning and a story on energy
movement and manifestations.

Once many of the illusions are revealed, we are greatly freed
up. No more boxes to fit into or be stuck in, and no more roads
that we are forced to travel upon. Without the illusions, we can
then live the way we were intended to live. The earth was
originally created as a playground for experiencing and creating.
We can then create whatever we choose when we are free from
the illusions that were created from a lower level mentality and
belief system.

Part of the ascension process involves restoring the earth to this
original blueprint; the original blueprint of creating freely from a
mindset of no restrictions or lower vibrating beliefs. So then, by
suddenly being able to really "see" what was real and what was
not, we are following along with the perfect plan of ascension.

If you have chosen this page, you are being asked to realize that
illusions keep us in a box. By being able to take the plunge of
being willing to see that things are not what they seemed, you
will be greatly supporting your ascension process. Although it
can be difficult to let go of the illusions, as they help us to feel
secure, there is really more security in the higher realms through
our increased connection to Source. Finally being able to "see"
can be scary, but as you adjust and go higher, things really get
          Thanks Cassidy!  

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