October 2, 2009

Kathleen McIntire's email Announcing the Trip

I thought I would share the newsletter that Kathleen McIntire sent out to announce the trip.  Kathleen and her friend Robin will be facilitating the trip in November.  I'm really excited to meet them!

Dear Kathleen,

Welcome to Soaring In Light! 

Unleashing the Divine Feminine at the Womb of the Mother 

What better place to unleash the Divine Feminine than in the place where she is so fully alive and potent – the Amazon rainforest! I am co-leading a women's journey to the remote rainforest of Ecuador November 7-16. This is a journey of the heart to listen deeply to the Divine Feminine and to unleash what wants to come through. I invite women who share this desire to join us. 

Through my journeys to Ecuador, I feel that this remote pristine rainforest is the womb of our planet. The womb is a safe and protected place. A journey to the rainforest is a return to the womb for healing, grounding, spiritual growth and direction. 

Our world is starving for love, starving for the gifts of the Mother. On this journey, we will create sacred space for consciously setting an intention in alignment with the Divine Feminine for her power to be unleashed upon the world. Now is the time – time for powerful women to gather and dream a world of love that works for all life. The Achuar, the Indigenous people of the Ecuadorian rainforest we visit, are a dream culture. What more potent place to dream than in the rainforest with them. 

This trip is an initiation more fully into our Divine Selves. As Divine beings we are Creatrices. What do you desire with all of your heart to create? What are the breakthroughs you are ready for? What is the biggest fear you are ready to let go of? 

Who this trip is for?

This journey is for those of you who are ready to fully move into a new paradigm, to get in touch with your deepest truth, your own unique call. It is for those who are ready for a breakthrough; ready to let what is no longer serving you be released. 

Who this trip is not for?

Anyone attached to staying in denial, status quo, keeping things as they are. 

Questions to explore:

Where in your life are you living from that place of TRUST in the Divine? 

Where do you stop trusting and feel YOU have to make something happen? 

I had that experience with this journey. Somewhere I stopped trusting everything I had seen and had been shown. I went back into that little “me” – the one who believes she has to do it all by herself; the one who forgets there are forces larger than herself who are directing things; the one who forgets to just surrender, open and align to the will of the Divine! The the Divine voice from deep within nudged me.  Ahhh, how sweet that place of remembering once again is. 

What dream do you want to bring to plant in the rainforest? What is it that you are most ready to grow in your life right now? 

As we move out of the old paradigm and to the shores of the new paradigm, what are YOU being called to be or do? How are you being called to show up? 

The voice of the Divine Feminine within is your intuition. Mother Mary has said "Intuition is the voice of love, therefore it is truth." 

Our invitation:

Will you join us on our journey to awaken the Divine Feminine and reconnect more fully to the Divine Feminine voice of love and truth? 

My dear friend Robin Milam and I are co-leading A Women’s Journey Embodying the Divine Feminine to the rainforests of Ecuador November 7-16, 2009. We travel in partnership with The Pachamama Alliance and at the invitation of the Achuar people. Our intention is to anchor ourselves in love and to reignite the Divine Feminine to bring about a transformation of consciousness on our planet.  Join us on a magical 10 day journey as we delight in the joy of traveling as a circle of women.

If you hear this call please join us, Robin and I would love to talk with you personally. Please contact me at (530) 478-9577 or email Kathleen or Robin at (530) 272-4322 oremail Robin. 

For more on Intuition visit How do you connect with your intuition? on Kathleen's website. 

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