October 30, 2009

Oh the mystery of the Amazon Rainforest!

Since I signed up for this trip, people have expressed their own fears about traveling to this region of the world...referring to this region as a third world country, a tribe of people that are "uncivilized", a region full of war and disease, a place where not a single modern amenity exists - not even roads.  It's been really funny the things people think when I tell them I'm going into the Amazon Rainforest.  My mother (I don't think she'll mind me saying this) was shocked and said "isn't that where people go and never return!"  Needless to say, she is very worried I'm not coming back.  My sister's small group is praying for me since this they believe this region is where people wake up one morning and find they are missing a kidney.  One woman I met who has actually lived in Quito said the bugs are larger and scarier in the Amazon than anywhere else in the world.  She warned me about all of the man-eating bugs and mammals.   

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm going to return and with all of my internal organs.  Frankly, knowing that we'll be guided by a local Achuar woman (Cocqui [pronounced Cookie]), I'm feeling quite safe from guerrilla warfare or organ harvesters.  I'm also feeling quite prepared with all of my magic mushroom potions (they are homeopathic pills - but I like calling them magic mushroompotions) that should prevent malaria and yellow fever in the rainforest.  I've even got magic mushroom potions to prevent me from getting sick from the food in Quito or Chicha (fermented beer that is a staple food among the Achuar).  However, there is one thing that I am feeling nervous about.  Since there are no roads in the rainforest, we will be traveling by canoe.  Apparently there are gigantic (30 feet) anacondas that live throughout this river system and eat people every now and then.  You better believe if our canoe tips over I'll be the first one scrambling back into it - who cares if my luggage floats away!  Even the spirits of the rainforest can't save me from a hungry anaconda!  


  1. Hi, me again. not that I don't believe in your magic mushroom potions, but again, check with a travel doc. We had to get Hep A, Tetnus and Typhoid to go into Peru, I'm guessing you might need similar plus yellow fever. They had Chicha in Peru too :) We didn't have any but we did eat Cuy (guinea pig...wierd) and Alpaca (delicious!) We also had Inca Cola which was pop that tasted like bubble gum. I don't know if they'll have that in Ecuador but maybe... Also, if you get a chance try a passion fruit. Ryan compared it to an "alien baby" but it was pretty good!

  2. I like that Ryan compared passion fruit to an alien baby. Only Ryan! Anne - I can't wait to hear all about Peru. There are no required immunizations for Ecuador. They do recommend yellow fever and typhoid. I'm so torn. I HATE needles. But I guess I also would hate getting yellow fever!

  3. I feel your pain. I hated getting vaccines too but they really weren't that bad. Reading some of the symptoms of that stuff online freaked me out even more than the needles though. Better safe than sorry! I posted some pics on facebook of Peru. We'll compare stories when you get back. Travel safely! and PS. if you do get eaten by and giant anaconda, please make sure Scott calls me. ;)
    miss you!

  4. Yes, my main concern would also be the anacondas. I hate snakes, especially 1' by 12' ones. :) Good luck on your trip and enjoy yourself! I'll say a prayer for you.
